Holy Week & Pascha
Saturday, 12th April – Palm Sunday
Vespers at 6.30pm, followed by the making of palm crosses.
Sunday, 13th April – Palm Sunday
Procession of Palms and Divine Liturgy at 1pm.
Thursday, 17th April – Holy Thursday
Divine Liturgy of the Mystical Supper at 7.30pm, followed by the Stripping of the Altar and Vigil before the Holy Sacrament.
Friday, 18th April – Holy Friday
The Office of the Cross at 2.30pm.
Vespers at 4pm, with the Burial of the Lord.
Saturday, 19th April – Holy Pascha (Passover)
The Great Vigil of the Resurrection of the Lord at 7pm, followed by a bring-and-share party.
(Please bring your Pascha baskets to be blessed.)
- The Blessing of the New Fire & Consecration of the Paschal Candle
- The Office of Readings (The Twelve Prophecies)
- The Mysteries of Baptism & Chrismation
- The Office of Vigils
- The Divine Liturgy of the Resurrection