Holy Week & Pascha

Saturday, 12th AprilPalm Sunday
Vespers at 6.30pm, followed by the making of palm crosses.

Sunday, 13th April Palm Sunday
Procession of Palms and Divine Liturgy at 1pm.

Thursday, 17th April – Holy Thursday
Divine Liturgy of the Mystical Supper at 7.30pm, followed by the Stripping of the Altar and Vigil before the Holy Sacrament.

Friday, 18th AprilHoly Friday
The Office of the Cross at 2.30pm.

Vespers at 4pm, with the Burial of the Lord.

Saturday, 19th AprilHoly Pascha (Passover)
The Great Vigil of the Resurrection of the Lord at 7pm, followed by a bring-and-share party.
(Please bring your Pascha baskets to be blessed.)

  • The Blessing of the New Fire & Consecration of the Paschal Candle
  • The Office of Readings (The Twelve Prophecies)
  • The Mysteries of Baptism & Chrismation
  • The Office of Vigils
  • The Divine Liturgy of the Resurrection