Need A Priest?

Do You Need A Priest?

Would you like to arrange an Orthodox baptism, wedding, funeral, or something else?  Our parish priest is able to conduct these and other services.  Please get in touch if you have any requests.

As a general rule we do not charge for these services – certainly not for the Holy Sacraments – and the prayers of the Church will not be refused to anybody due to financial hardship.  However, certain requests can result in travel expenses for the clergy, the need for the parish to pay to hire space to use for your service, as well as other costs.  If you ask for the services of the Church and are in a position to do so, we ask you please to consider making a donation to help us to continue our work.


Confessions are heard at church after Vespers on Saturday evening. Please consult the parish calendar to see when Vespers will be celebrated. Confessions will only be heard prior to the Divine Liturgy on Sundays in cases of necessity.

Please be aware that, to be a regular communicant member of our parish, you must be in a pattern of regular confession – no less often than once per month.


Baptism is the usual manner of becoming a Christian and entering the Church of Jesus Christ, and we would be happy to have you make this journey with us.  Please get in touch so we can discuss some of the arrangements.  You can read more about baptism on this page, which also has information for Orthodox families wishing to have their baby baptised.

If you are a teenager or adult considering joining the Orthodox Church, there is some useful information about this pathway here.


Orthodox couples intending to get married are welcome to do so at Saint Melangell’s.  Please contact us to discuss arrangements.  We ask that you please read the information here before making contact.

The Blessing of a Home

If you have recently moved into a new place, you might wish to ask God’s blessing on your home and your household.  This can also be done if you have lived in the same home for a while but have never had it blessed, or would like a fresh start after bad memories or difficult experiences.


From time to time, we all lose people who are special to us: friends, family, colleagues, and others.  Yet, our faith gives us hope in the common resurrection, and we might want to have prayers offered for our loved ones, especially if we haven’t been able to attend the funeral in person.  It’s customary to offer a memorial shortly after death, as well as on anniversaries, but this may also be done at other times.